Getting all animated

So I finally made the serious leap in to using Adobe After Effects. I'm sure many people know what this programme is and the stunning work it can produce. I've dabbled with it over the years but finally made the decision to set aside some time to really get in to it and understand it better.

So I can film and edit - no problem. I can make Adobe Premiere sing. I've been using photoshop since version 1. InDesign - no problem. Illustrator - sorted.

Motion that's a whole new world! But you have to keep up with the way the industry moves.

But - very quickly I've learnt so much! And you know what? It's not cost me anything but time and the effort to learn new software but most of all an understanding of how to manipulate the software to get it to do things you want.

I know PowerPoint like the back of my hand - but After Effects is deep - I mean like really deep.

Now I'm not looking to become a motion graphics pro working in the cinema industry producing CGI for Hollywood movies - but sometimes a client wants something a bit out of the ordinary.

I just love the way the software allows you to create fantasy worlds of floating digital jelly fish or waves of pulsing, twisting glowing fractal dispersions that react to music that wrap around a logo.

I'm even recognising the use of After Effects in TV programmes such as Altered Carbon on Netflix. Sad I know. But that's how I learnt when I was younger when I first sat down to a Compugraphic Integrator. Way before Macs were mainstream you had to know the typesetting language of the system you were using. I'd look at a piece of existing work and think "how would I do that?" and then start doing it. That's how I learn.


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